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I have been building a design of Paul's, Discrete 16.10. The actual build has been more or less stalled for over a year now, but I hope I can get it restarted soon.

The problem has been the one I mentioned in my build thread when starting: it is difficult to have enough money and time simultaneously! First I had financing concerns and when that was solved by a new job it consumed all my time. Now it seems like I am approaching a decent balance again  Big Grin
Well, I gave up the computer game I have been addicted too for 4 years, "finnally" and began working on the boat again, I have been at it for 2 weeks now every night and weekend I have been "sanding and fairing once again, I have one side of the deck and cabin just about completed for glassing, I am about to go down the other side of the deck and cabin, then I will do the cabin roof and cockpit and then glass it. Hopefully get it flipped alone and begin the same process on the bottom.
When I get tired of sanding and filling I have been planing out my electrical stuff and getting ready to install the wiring before I trim out the cabin.

The vid game was like bloody crack, it was right up my alley lol all sailing and pirates and stuff. i built a huge guild and was really good at it, but I need to begin living in the real life and get me real pirate veslle up and running, time to chase the real dream before I am dead.

Good to hear I am not the only one that has lost too much time to online of warcraft sucked a lot of my life away until I quit a year ago...

Good luck with your build...

Thanx Matt, Yeah you just dont realize the time passage either, but man it does.
it feels good to be back on my build once again, hate the sanding and fairing but i look at it as a mission lol goota get through it b4 i can move on and upward. lol
I have lost many an hour to online games also.  In my case it stems form being awake late at night, because of health issues, in a house where making noise is not an option.  I am retired and my wife is not.  Throw in an 11 year old and you get the idea.  I use to go to the shop to work on the boat or some other wood project but after the second heart attack the wife must have developed special powers and wakes up if I leave the house other then to walk one old family dog that won't go out at night without company.  I would come back from the shop and she would be up reading or online playing a game but in both cases with the shop monitor camera on so she could keep an eye on me.  She has never complained about the missed sleep my going to the shop at night causes, but I don't feel good about it so instead I read or play online a bit.  I do understand the addiction of online games and try to restrict my online time if I find it escalating.  I miss going to the shop at night.  In the summers here it is a time for wood working as the temperature is cooler.  I live in the country so there are no neighbor problems and the shop is about 100 yards from the house so noise disturbing the family is not an issue.  For me the feel of wood that has been worked has always held a stronger pull.  There is just something so good about running your fingers over a smooth  sanded piece of wood or marveling over even the simplest of wood projects that turns out better then you thought it would.
Getting ready to start a highly modified Vacationer soon (see Chris Gerkin's fine Vac).

Resuming work on a Maine Peapod designed by John Gardner.  Originally lapstrake, this construction will be in 3/8" cypress strip plank with fiberglass laminations inside and out. 

Im building 72 foot long yacht and I would love to know, if there is any electric sander that can sand large curved area. Are there any? Or do I live in land of dreams?  Tongue

I wonder if it is a too much of a technical question to make some....

I must confess I spent countless night wake up and thinking about this..
I have seen such sanders, but they are usually made by extending the foot on a belt sander and using longer loops of paper. Don't know if I would recommend it if you don't have lots of experience with a belt sander though. You can do a lot of damage very quickly! ;-)
I agree, Will.  You have to be VERY experienced.  A belt sander can behave like a shark in a feeding frenzy and really chew up a project in seconds!

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