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Hey all,

Well, things are finally looking a bit brighter on this end. I may have finally reached the end of that dark tunnel I've been travelling through for a couple of years now!

I've got most of the parts for the trailer repair waiting for me, and I've just got to get the axle, which I'm finally able to order. With a little more of this warmer than normal weather, I just may be able to put in the cabin windows, and touch up last seasons abuse to the poor girl. The goal is to have her ship shape for spring.

Over the past several weeks, Dawn and I have been looking into sailing lessons etc. both as a means of getting more out of her this year, and also to encourage us to start cruising in her in the coming summers. That Beer cruise sounds too inviting to pass up for too much longer!

Lastly, I've been trying to find tools to make boating more inclusive for Dawn since she can't see. She sails fine, but has trouble holding a course. I've discovered some cool gadgets ... unfortunately, it means that I'll need to do some serious electrical work to the boat, expanding from a single motor hookup to a full blown panel. Funny thing is, for the first time in my wanderings through various tools for the blind, I've found that the tool itself is relatively cheap! Rather than getting a talking compas, talking depth sounder, talking speed indicator, wind speed, etc, it hooks up to regular marine electronic guages that have NMEA 0183 support. So, I can get a compas with that feature, and her talking gizmo, mount those to the boat, and gradually add other tools, and she'll already be supported for the lot. Can't wait!

Now, seems like a lot for just a weekender, right? Truly, it is, but if she can learn to hold a course, basic navigation etc. on the weekender, I'm that much closer to convincing her that we need a boat that we can live aboard. Smile

A bit wordy, but hey, I haven't talked much lately.

Stuart, sounds like things are progressing forward! Are you possibly thinking BEER this year? I am juggling my schedule to try to attend both BEER and the BYYB gathering Craig is organizing. Unfortunately, I will be doing both in my 12' catboat since I sold my Pocket Cruiser. I haven't yet begun to build my next big boat. I have been contenting myself with a cartoppable 12' sharpie skiff.
Come one come all. we would sure e glad if you could make it down stu.
I keep thinking about it ... I'm trying to talk myself into it ... lots of driving for three four days of sailing, but great company, and unique sailing grounds are really hard to pass up.

The main things stopping me are 1. absolutely no navigation skills whatsoever, 2. electric fresh water motor only, 3. modest sailing skills, and 4. I've had only one moderately long range trip, and it killed the trailer ... granted, all the moving parts are just about replaced at this point with brand new ones, but it's still in the back of my mind.

These things are all easily bypassed by one simple overriding factor ... If I can get a solid yes from relatives willing to take the kids for two weeks, I'll be down with my wife, Dawn, and wouldn't look back. Smile

The weekender's just too small for a family of four, and my youngest just doesn't have the patience for that much driving or sailing, and my oldest doesn't have the patience for that much driving, though he'd probably like the sailing part just fine.

I've got about 4 months to get things ready, and I wouldn't count me out until the end of May. If I can, I'll probably show up.