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Tomorrow I am going to take a swim in the Chesapeake Bay, the event is called the Polar Bear Plunge. It is to raise money for the Special Olympics. Some of you have met my nephew, John, who is down's syndrome. He is a special guy and tomorrow I will be taking the plunge in his honor.

This morning it is a balmy 14* outside and the water temp is in the mid 30's. SHIVER ME TIMBERS!

If any of you would like to make a donation to my fund raising efforts, I would be greatly honored. All donations are tax deductible. Here is a link to my fund raising efforts.

It's a great day for a swim, I raised a little over $300. Karl and Pop both gave me $$. Thanks guys!

Hey Angie
Don't forget to stop by this morning before you go.
Hey Angie

How was the plunge :?: Confusedhock: :?: Confusedhock: :?:
With the nice weather :o :o was there a big crowd :?: :?:
It was CRAZY. I have photos of me out in the Bay floating around with my feet up. It was cold but it was a BLAST. I was in for about 4-5 minutes with my body completely submerged and it took several hours to get my core temp back up to normal. 8000 people went into the water, we raised a little over 2 million dollars for Special Olympics.

Next year we are putting a team together (10 people) planning on tailgating, including a propane heater and grill and wearing costumes for the Plunge. Yesterday some of our fellow Plungers included Elvis, Super Man, Major Shrinkage, a fellow with a toilet plunger on his head, a fellow in an OBSCENE thong thing, the three little pigs.... just to name a few.

You get the idea, it is INSANE!