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I wrote a little story about Christmas, my apologies to family of the original author Clement Clarke Moore

Twas the night before Christmas, and in the boathouse, this night.
Not a creature was stirring, not even a termite.

The hand tools hung on the pegboards in style.
In anticipation that I’d get at the boat sawdust pile.

I cracked open a brew, and sat on my moaning chair.
Reflecting on the troubles, and cursing my errors.

Then upon a roof, I heard a great sound
I stepped out the door to have a look around

Down from the roof, slid a strange looking chap,
All dusty with fibreglass, and epoxy stains on his lap.

Into the boathouse, and straight to his work, on the boat
He sanded and shaped the hull, and assured me it’ll float.

He was so focused, knowledgeable, and skilled,
It was obvious I’d been left with some time to kill.

I offered the chap some grog, but none would he take,
He knew if he imbibed, it may cause a mistake.

Out the door he did dash, and to his vessel he went.
Climbed into the cockpit, and as Cap’n he did vent

Now Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and you too Vixen
Stop Comet, grab a line Cupid! Get the bumpers, Donner & Blitzen

They hoisted the mainsail, adjusted the lapper,
tightening the top’sl, the crew tended to matters.

The vessel did surge, his grip tight on the wheel,
Off on a broad reach, the gaff rigger now heeled.

As he sailed off in the night, to these words I’d clearly listened
Merry Christmas, Skipper, I’ll be back for the spring launch and christening.

Merry Christmas Everyone

This was cute Greg. thanks.
Thanks greg,
Send him my way will Ya?

Merry Christmas


James Sanders

Ahoy Greg,

Merry Christmas
Best I ever heard 8)
Greg I went past your place Saturday morning and waved from US31 but didn't see you wave back! I would have stopped if I had seen you Smile Had a relative die in Hesperia and had to go up for the funeral. No time for anything fun.