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Kinda makes us BYYBers look like a relatively sane bunch doesn't it?
Sounds like he needs some good pills to make him sane again. How long do you think it will take before he says to himself "What was I thinking?" Maybe one of us should sail along side in a skipjack to rescue him, any volunteers?


Robert Espe

I think it is neat, but I also think that he spends more $ making an 8' boat seaworthy, than he would just building a 20 something cruiser with normal materials. It would be more comfortable. But, softies like me don't break records I guess. Still, I seem to recall someone who did a long trip in a 12' boat, and he couldn't stand on his own when he got back on shore, sine he hadn't moved for so long. Pain, too much pain.
I catagorize him as insane. However, he is in good company historically speaking. Even Christopher Columbus was perceived as insane and apt to sail off the edge of the world.

Still, you would think he would at least test his little boat and his physical and mental abilities with a couple of shorter cruises! Just for physical sake he is going to need to get out of that boat and give his body some exercise.
I give him one good squall, and he will be thinking to himself, what the $%^&* did I get myself into.

I mean a big boat can feel like a cork being tossed around, this little boat may be his tomb.

I call him crazy.

However, <a href="">Roland</a> had posted a link some time ago about a guy who did some extensive travelling in a very small boat. I thought it was pretty interesting. Keep in mind his boat is nearly twice the length. we all know how a couple of feet affects your usable space in a boat. 2 feet can be alot of extra room, 6 feet is huge by comparison.