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Is there shame in compromise?

The Boat (I was told that it needed to be capitalized, as it is a proper noun) would not budge on the name "Half-Fast". I repaired all parts affected, then brought the matter of names before the Oracle and consulate. The name was decided by a 2 - 3 vote.

We will be launching at Yuba on the "Mini Pearl"
Brit, there is absolutely no shame in compromise especially when you've brought it before the family council. Remember, you're not the only one responsible for having a boat, after all, they let you build it and put with all kinds of things so that it could happen. I know, I was informed by SWMBO.
Glad you decided before launch.... after that you gotta find a virgin, which can be a problem these days. :lol: I once bought a boat with the tag "Morning Desire" and was embarassed to sail her out of the harbor. I could not get that name off fast enough.... she became the 'Good Morrow' from Donne's poem.....


I wonder by my trouth, what thou, and I did till we loved? Were we not weaned till then, but sucked on country pleasures, childishly? Or snorted we in the seven sleepers's den? Twas so, but THIS, all pleasures fancies be, if ever any beauty I did see, which I desired and got, twas but a dream of thee.

And now GOOD MORROW to our waking souls, which watch not one another out of fear; for love, all love of other sights controls and makes this one little room an everywhere. Let sea discoveries to new worlds have gone, let maps to other worlds on worlds have shown. Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one.

My face is thine eyes, thine in mine appears and true plain hearts do in the faces rest. Where can we find two better hemispheres whithout sharp North, declining West? Whatever dies, was not mixed equally: If our two loves be one, or thou and I love so alike, that none do slacken, none can die.


"that's all I know about that". (Forest Gump) 8) :lol:


Brit~ We decided the name for our boat the same way. It makes it a family boat instead if dad's boat. :wink: Just remember, If it turns out that there is no heaven, the time spent with your family is as close as you will get. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin