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Full Version: Big, big news!!!
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Well, I'm not sure how many know it, but some do. Anyway, my wife, Dawn is blind. She's been legally blind since birth, and totally blind since she was nine. Just recently, she turned 30, so it's been 21 years of total blindness now, and probably 10 since her last visit to the eye specialist.

She's got one eye missing from birth, which is replaced with a prostesis, and the other eye is very small, missing the lens (they removed it to fix the retina when it detached), has a damaged cornea, and has had the retina detatch on two separate occasions. All in all, not much to work with.

She just went in to the specialist again last week, and they looked her over. They believe that her optic nerves etc. are still working behind the eye, and technology has been chugging along since her last visit. They say they can now manufacture a cornea small enough to do a transplant, and they will probably be able to restore her vision (though to what degree they're not saying).

Dawn's going in on May 22nd for a preliminary surgery to see how the eye is beyond the cornea, and how the area behind the eye is. If it looks like the transplant is likely to take, and she'll benefit from it, then they're all set to give it a go. No idea when that'll happen, but talk about a miracle of science!

I don't know which is more amazing, the fact that they think they can do a transplant and restore her vision, or the fact that they're making the parts to do it rather than looking for a doner. Either way, we're trying not to get too excited, since it may come to nothing, but it's really hard, especially knowing that we want to eventually buy a big sailboat, and sail off into the sunset ... harbors are kinda tricky with your eyes closed after all. Wink

Talk to you all later, off to make dinner.
That's amazing Stuart. Keep us posted on the progress, we're hoping for the best right along with you. Scott was telling me what a great sailor she is while we were trying to find the wind direction on St Joe Bay.
You might want to let her know your not really a supermodel :lol:

HOW VERY EXCITING! MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ARE WITH fingers are crossed. I can't wait to hear, I am sending you and Dawn warm thoughts.... I think prayer and energy can go a very long way. :lol:

I kicked the demon back and think the energy my friends sent was truly the turning point...

Sending Dawn big chi, let us know the date and time... you have many friends here 8) as does Dawn.
WOW! that's awesome! I'm speechless pondering the possibilities.

Good luck with everything.
That’s great news, and keeps us posted.
Our prayers are with you and your family.
Latest update ... they rescheduled the appointment, its now moved to June 5th instead of May 22nd. Talk about keeping us in suspence. Wink

Thanks for all the kind comments prayers and thoughts. We both really appreciate it.
We are all wishing her the best Stu. Don't hide this wonderful possibility done here. Yse the main board. Ihave never looked here before. We are all rooting for Dawn!

Larry Thomas

I had the pleasure of meeting you and Dawn last summer at pymatuning. It couldnt happen to better people. We wish you guys all the best.
Thoughts and prayers

J Stephen Mustico

Sounds like great news. We all wish the best for all of you!!

J. Stephen Mustico
Great news Stuart. I wish you & Dawn the best of luck.

Technology is a wonderful thing.
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