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Well, I did it! I flew to Houston, Tx last tuesday, built a PD racer in two days, drove out to Magnolia beach, and participated in the 2006 PD racer world championship. For those of you not familiar with this boat it is basically a 4X8' box with some curve to the bottom ( I was very surprised by how well this box on the water sailed in the 15mph + winds we had. It was very stable and was very fast on the water.

Anyway, a bit of bragging is in order because I placed third out of nine boats despite being the least experienced in sailing these types of boats and this being my first sailboat race. I was also surprised I did so well flying a sprit rig as opposed to a field of leg-o-mutton, lateen, and marconi rigs all of which are all supposed to sail closer to the wind. Anyway, I had a lot of fun sailing this boat for two wonderful days and then making a father and son's day by giving the boat to them at the event.
Yahoo, well done Skipper!
Good Job Captain, I hope you have pictures to share. Maybe we could do something like that here in the ATL area. It would be nice to introduce sailing to some locals who have never done it. It might even get some folks to change their bad motor boat habits and switch to sail. I was out Saturday with Brian Watford on Oconee. We had a good breeze for most of the day. We didn't see another sail on the water, but a nice classic Chris Craft came by to take a look at my boat. I also had a cute jetski girl ask me where to find gas. I don't know what it is about people asking a sailboat owner for gas....they just don't undersand do they? Give me a call when you get a chance so we can talk about Memorial weekend sailing

Keith, I will call you later today.