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Full Version: Vacationer tabernacle placement
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I was just wondering if I can use the exact same placement of the tabernacle hinge on the Vacationer as was done on the Weekender plans. The Vacationer plans require the gooseneck to be above the hinge and that would require removing the boom and more setup time. Plus I've bought a really nice gooseneck from Duckworks before I realized the different setup in the Vacationer plans. Thanks.
The ideal setup for a gooseneck on a tabernacle, is on the tabernacle itself. This permits you to leave the boom in place (in a crotch), possibly with the sail still furled (depending on how it's attached), while raising/lowering the mast. Do some pencil sketches on the kitchen table and figure out how you'll handle sail feed, down haul (if equipped) and furling operations. You'll need a little space above the gooseneck for this. What this means is if employing a track (highly recommended), you'll have a it start above the hinge point, with it's related "gate" to prevent the slides from falling out, maybe a down haul and tack eye, just above the gooseneck, if the gooseneck doesn't offer one and most importantly, enough space, between boom and the lowered mast, so a furled gaff and sail can live peacefully, without being overly crushed by the stick in the down position. It's a lot to think about, but a simple scale drawing will sort out the issues, with some on the boat measurements.