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We drove to the Phoenix area this weekend and arrived late Friday night - I called ahead and tried to reserve a camp spot but they do no such thing at lake pleasant and the lady assured me that as of 2 o'clock there were only 10 spots taken out of 70+ developed spots. The road between here and there is really just this side of silly - Bill met us at the Lake at 10 pm and we hung out and talked about how Arizona should suck it up - comply with daylight savings and other national holidays so's they could take federal money and fix their stinking highways...ALL the campsites were taken and we were forced to make do on the side of the road in the truck for one night. Morgaine lOoked GreAt in her NIghT LiGHTs:

[Image: IMGP1029.jpg]

Early the next morning we started circling the area like vultures loOking for a real camp SpOT...fiNAlly we found one and set up camp - just enough to hold the spot and get on the water:

John and Jim and Miss Pat were already out there making waves so to speak:

[Image: john.jpg]

I put the new flag on:

[Image: IMGP1039.jpg]

Got the Ballast REady:

[Image: ballast.jpg]

and Aimed RiGHT foR THEM:

[Image: IMGP1045.jpg]

John had to haul out before the wind picked up - so we said our goodbyes and I broke out the chicken...decided a little lunch was in order.

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THe BalLast LoVEs Chicken - it was the only time she stuck her head out the whole day. She can slEep 20 hours at a time and slept most of the day in the cabin on her blanket and some floatation pillows.

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Bill made it back out and we picked him up just about the time the wind picked up:

[Image: swlizards.jpg]

day one - I forgot to remove the bumbers :oops:

[Image: IMGP1064_001.jpg]

we quit after lots of good sailing - and finished setting up the campsite

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Day tWo - i thought I would start out LoOking a little, i think i mixed up my salty stripes and leisure is not my thing.

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BiLl- SoOn to be Wrong Way BiLl lOoks mUch better in my hat:

[Image: IMGP1088.jpg]

What is pRettier than a gAFfer?

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we really had the boat going more than once

[Image: IMGP1075.jpg]

The campsite was ideal! it had running water and an outlet so we were able to re-charge the electric jib before the second day's sail - almost as comfy as home:

[Image: IMGP1118.jpg]

and - I made a silly little video - it is important to note that everytime the camera goes silly - I am probably coughing - still sick from last week...and it was impossible to hold the sheet and cough and video all at the same time....anywhoOo What time we will make a better video.

Thanks BILL and JAne - and John and Jim and Miss PAt - We had a blast !

The second day we sailed with the motor up and the bumpers off Big Grin much better start than the first....

[Image: IMGP1146.jpg]

I went up front when the wind died and re-shaped the sheets and fixed a twist in the jib - Said to bIlL pOInt The Boat OVer yondEr...and NOw I call hiM WrongWay BiLL :lol: :lol: it isn't all his fault my steering is still crappy - too sloppy and stuff....on the list of things to do this weekend.

i decided to swab the deck while i was up there....Bill threw me the sponge and I cleaned away until the wind picked back up - by the time I got back to the cockpit we were 180degrees the WroNgWay...

BiLl and Teresa - Watching me Work....

[Image: IMGP1131.jpg]

again - it was lots of fun. A goOd weekend. I'm sure there will be more.

Wonderful Pictures! I am impressed! Consider yourself (and the "Ballast" - have to save that shot) my inspiration to get building this year!
Great photos Adla. Looks like a wonderful time on the Lake. Always fun when you have some friends to go along.

Video is great.

At first I thought I lost a post, then realized you opened a thread at Frank's.

I love the mooring photo of Morgaine, really nice. I said that already, but wow, I love the lanterns.

The video is cool, 8)

However, I don't know about Bill using the jib line to clean his toes. :lol:

Although, I must confess I use any and everything to hang on to the lines of my Vacationer. :roll:

Thanks for posting the pictures, it makes waiting for the hard water to go away a lot easier.

Adla, I also activated your gallery at I don't know why I had to do so, something I don't have enabled I suppose. But hint!!!!

You'll make us all of us frozen ones feel better.
Thanks BRUCE - I hope you do build this year! There is nothing like having the boat water ready and out there sailing! Words just don't express the thrill of clipping along in a boat you built!

Thanks Barry - We had a great time! Bill in Phoenix is always a lot of fun!!! Even if he points the boat the wrong WAY!!!! (not all his fault my steering is still too loose and sloppy)

Another Ballast shot for ya Bruce:

[Image: IMGP1063.jpg]

Petra (the dog) has really come a long way - she likes the boat and slept most of the time...which is nice because it meant she didn't move around. I gave her - her favorite blanket and some floatation pillows...she guarded the coolers and the cabin and off we went....WHY biLL insisted on hOldiNg the SheEt with his ToeS is beYond ME :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is going to be a fun summer!

That sure looks like fun. I have yet to get out this year. Yesterday the sign girl came to install the trail board decorations, name, and FL numbers. This is the weekend! Still no top'sl but the rigging is ready. I really loved the photos. Thanks.
From someone covered head to toe in epoxy who is doing as much head scratching as he is building,
Thank you for the beautiful pictures of the light at the end of the tunnel.
Spring 2007, here I come.
Steven Goodman
Adla, like your steering.... Bill is a little loose and sloppy. However, he knows how to have a good time. :lol: :lol:

Loved the photos, but DAMNIT you folks have to keep that sun off of ya.... it will kill ya (and I don't mean keel ya). I got that paux Kathrine Hepburn look going on (I wish had that much class).

Anybody up for a safari, I feel as though I always look as though I am about to go on one these days.... must be the neck scarf.... sleeves, pants, collar, hat, scarf, SUNSCREEN, PUSSERS.... I swear it won't be the sun that takes this ol' gal down.....AAAAARRRGH!

Hey, where are the PIRATE liberians? The ARRRCHives!

Where do PIRATES from the SWF like to hang out.... Reno, thats's ARRRRRGH-E -N-O.... Arrrghhh, I keel myself. :lol: 8) :lol:

Good night.
Bill is a fun guy! THey don't come much better! He and his wife are super great people.

The sun is MURDER - I wore 45 spf but still burn and blistered and frankly think that it is a problem. But I am not going to wrap up tight in scarves and stuff - hat and long sleeves and pants are good enough...i'll take me chances with the rest. Better to have sailed and burnt than to have spent the weekend in a library oiling a part of the brain that doesn't need any help in the fast and loose department.

Teresa was clever and stayed out of the sun by sleeping in the cabin with Boo (the dog) ......

My steering will be fixed by the tie i set sail again.

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