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Full Version: Rigging the pocket?
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Hi everyone , I'm sure this has been covered at sometime but can't seem to find it. I raised the sails for a test today and was not sure how the rigging on the boom went ? Where do u put the pulley on the transom ?
Jason, try going to the Stevenson's website and look at the builders pics. You should be able to see how they have done theirs. Good luck from a Weekender builder.
Hey Warren ,
  Thanks for the info ,i had looked around and had a good idea . My problem was the gaff rigging twisting up and not running smooth ? I just put it in the water and went for it .I had a good time ,not bad for my first boat let alone first sailboat Smile
Ya, I had that same problem and decided that the double pulleys I was using were turning and causing the problem.