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Full Version: A new Weekender, from plans to trailer in 9 months.
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Greetings all,

I was surfing the internet, and tripped over this one ...

John Brown, in Largo, Florida, just finished a Weekender named Spirit.

That's quite an accomplishment.  I've heard of them being done even quicker and of course, like me - much much much slower.

John Brown

Greetings Weekender Fans,
I just got a membership to this forum and found the post about my boat.

A few details might be of interest.
I ordered plans in March, 2010 but only read and window shopped materials that month.
In April I built the ship's wheels then fell and broke my hip at the end of the month.
May was hobble around on a walker and stare wistfully at the wheel and some keel boards.
By June I graduated to a cane and called a friend of mine, John Custer, to see if he could be my helper.
Between us, we started building in earnest in June, 2010. John did the 'heavy lifting' while I just limped around talking.

By end of June I could help and started actually building. Each week I got stronger and could do more on the boat.
John came by for a couple of half days a week and between us, we made progress until Thanksgiving week when
forward progress pretty much stopped, due to my youngest son's wedding that week. Then the cold set in with the
boat on the trailer, still not ready to sail but with only a few details to go.

The boat has been therapy, to get me on my feet everyday and do something productive.
It worked for that purpose very well! And now I've a boat in the garage to boot!

[Image: 1290316609-hull-progress-6.jpg]

Cheers, John Brown -- Builder Weekender: Spirit.
Good to have ya hear John!
Welcome John, have fun in that boat now.

John Brown

I've already had a lot of fun with it. The building process is both invigorating and productive. Better still is working with others on a boat. I had helpers and admirers,
Mr. John Custer. [Image: 1292621596-Mr-Custer-1.JPG] and my wife, Adele.  [Image: 1290215847-hull-progress-sails-1.jpg] and there were others occasionally.  [Image: 1289689571-hull-progress-4.jpg]

Of course there were many fans of the project. I had visits from the local utility workers (supposed to be fixing a sewer leak on the street), the mail man stopped to admire it, both FedEx and UPS drivers took time to come into the garage to see it. And all my neighbours eventually found their way into the garage. It's been a community social event as well and construction.

-- JB
John...AMAZING!!!  I started mine in march...did NOT break a hip...had summer off...and am now just starting assembly...amazing feat!!!  Dont let Warren Percell know about your story or he will never let me hear the end of it...

Congrats...I hope you enjoy many fun moments on your boat!!!