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Full Version: Finally, an axle is ordered ...
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Well, I've finally gotten around to ordering that axle I've been needing since last summer's run to Pymatunning. I ordered hubs, races, seals, bearings etc., over the winter, but never got around to getting them put together as I was waiting for cash for that axle.

Today, I brought my box of parts and my old axle to the local trailer shop, and asked them to hook me up. By Friday, I'll have the axle ready for pick-up, and they're assembling all the stuff for me on the house. I won't have to re-pack the bearings or anything. I figured, heck, for the little bit more, I'll get new bearing buddies and have them install them while I'm at it, so all I'll have to do is bolt on the axle, throw the tires back on, and I'll be ready to do the spring maintenance on the boat before I head out on the water.

At last, I'll be able to put a good coat of paint on the deck vs. the rushed primer that I had during the camping run ... oh, and re-touch the hull too. Can't wait to get back to it. I've missed working on the ol' girl.

The Dawn Princes will love you for that new pair of roller skates. 8)

When I finally built the new trailer for my Vacationer, there was definitely a feeling of well being. I like that secure feeling of getting to where your going and back again.

The cost can hurt, but your baby is not sitting out on the road.

Way to go,

Stuart -

I totally understand - I couldn't believe it when I lost my bearings coming back from phoenix - only to find that they don' t make those anymore. A new axle is a big job - but a good thing. My trailer is nothing to look at but the axle will get me around. Keep us posted - can't wait to see you out on the water.


Mike -
i dig the new website - and boat.

The main page has been slow in coming together. I plan to have two off shoots, one for the twin-keeler restoration and the other for the Caledonia Yawl I plan to build. Kind of like Craig Gleason's Sara Lee site.

I lost a lot of pictures from the Vacationer build and the Rogue River Dory from not having back up files, stupid me. It is all just a blur to me now :lol:

The forums are an extra bonus, I haven't found a Twin-Keeler Forum in the US yet, just the UK. It may take off or not.

The Alaskan Sailing Forum is an attempt to draw together some like minded sailors up here, a fleet so to speak. Plan sailing trips, maybe a classified section for stuff for sale, what ever.

The "Are you Sailing Yet?" Forum is a pet of my wife Joan's. Not restricted to just Alaskan women, either. It will be a forum for women sail boaters and builders. As you may have noticed, you and three other women in the past, are all that have participated on the two sites we both frequent. Perhaps if the Ladies have a place of there own, such a sailing site may grow. Who knows? My Wife, quite frequently, comes up with some very good ideas.

Anyway, the website gives me something to do at night :roll:

Thanks for your interest, and may I assume you were the Guest who posted the last unsigned message?

I've been selfish, I changed it so folks have to register now to post :wink: Simply, because I am curious, who visits.

For anyone else who would like to visit:

The forums are up and the galleries. The above url will take you to an index page, until my webmaster sets up the main page's templet.

Woo hoo, the ol' girl's on her own wheels once again! It's been way to long since I've been able to roll her out of the garage. Poor thing's been up on blocks since last summer. Ah, now all I've got to do is pull everything off of the boat, de-rig her, put in those windows I've made, and a few other small parts, then it's re-painting time. First go with a paint gun, that should be interesting. Smile

Once that's done, I've got to do some minor custom work on the trailer ... I really need that track for the keel to slide into as it keeps sliding off the rollers and scraping up my keel during retrieval. Ah well, it's working weather and I'm off to make the most of it.