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Full Version: Phil's Weekender Link???
You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting. a new builder (wow that sounds good since I barely started, but yes STARTED my weekender I can call myself a builder)...

Where was I ?? As a new builder I have seen MANY references to "Phil's Weekender"...and how great it is...but the posts seem ot be older and the links to this incredible yet mysterious boat seem to be gone...

Can anyone send me a link to photos of Phil's ( I think Mcgowan????) Weekender?

I keep coming across mentions of it but cant find it...even when sober...

Matt, there are a lot of good links on this website but I would have to say a good 60% are outdated and need to be removed or updated.  Here is a perfect example, this builders website has lots of links and he still ads stuff to it, but won't remove all the bad builder links that aren't there anymore.  Over half of the builders websites that he has listed aren't even there anymore.  :'(
Sorry, didn't mean to sound gruff. There are a lot of great builder sites out here and I have learned a lot. It's just a lot of websites that I found links to were on AOL or MSN forums which have been closed is all and never moved somewhere else..  I worry that their info may have been lost...
Phil Gowans is probably the person you are looking for. He hasn't posted here in several months, though you may find he responds to an email. The site you refer to has been disassembled. "Aloha" is his Weekender and it's worth a good look see. You will find many, very nice Weekender's in the gallery here, as well as on's two galleries.
Greetings Mike,

I am assuming that you are talking about this list ... Morgaine Adla Earl ALOHA Phil Gowans Aslan Frank Hagan Sans Souci Ryerson Clark Floating Bear Adrew Butchart Suits Us Scott Widmier Microship  Bill Olney Ahab's Daydream  Arron Stokes Island Girl  Joel Sacho LotsOfPhotos  Wayne Munro GaffRig24 Keith Mclean Honeymoon Wes+Anna Kisting PinoyBoats  Philippines

I my opinion, these were the best of the best of the Weekender builder personal web sites listed roughly in the order that I like them.  I just checked them all, and yes, it looks like three out of the thirteen have now disappeared ... hardly 60%.

If you view the source for the page, you will also see that there used to be two more, but Mike Penington's and Tim Diebert's web sites have also evaporated.

And you have just stumbled upon one of the more maddening attributes of the internet ... it is extraordinarily ephemeral. Here today, gone tomorrow ... literally  ... and possibly all back and working again tomorrow.  I last checked all of these links in January, and with the exception of Phil Gowan's they all worked.

I refused to remove Phil Gowan's site, because it might return some day.  Smile
I have been toying with the idea of resurrecting Phil's websites out of the archives of the way-back time machine, but I just haven't got around to it.

Thanks everyone...I was off the internet all day attending to my daughters 7th birthday...and then after a break (ever had 15 4-7 year olds at once, yikes???) I cut some wood...8 out of 9 keel pieces cut...

Finally checking my e-mail...thanks for all the links...I will check them out...

And Yes Paul...I was referring to Phil Gowan's Aloha...I have seen so many comments about his boat was the one to see (not that there aren't many others...) just wanted to finally see it since everytime I click the links the pages are dead...

Will try your list tom...thanks!
Wow...some great builds...just went through all the links...although phil's link is not active...

there are some great photos...looked at every one...

Matt the only way to see some of Phil's old website is be using the "wayback machine".  Here's a link:  You type or copy the website address into the wayback machine search and it tries to find any archives for the site in question.  I know in the past I was able to pull up about 75% of Phils old pictures that way.  Here's an example of one of the many pages I found from Phil's old site using the wayback machine:  I would use the WB machine to get the list rather then trying to go from the links off this example page but even this example page makes much of his old site accessable.  Give it a try.

Off topic but of importance is the fact that nothing ever entered on the internet goes away so be careful what you type or post.  Many companies use internet searches of youtube, facebook or  the other social sites to screen potential employees.  Had to good a time while in college, posted your fun or one of your school mates did, and you might lose a great job because of your less then A class behavior.  Post some extreme political view while intoxicated by the words of Nietzsche or Voltaire and a less then understanding mind might decide you are not the best choice.  I think boat building and boat builders would be excellent things however so never fear posting about them unless of course you are still advocating that the earth is flat Smile
What?  The earth isn't flat!!??  (self employed, who cares)
Greetings all,

And this was particularly entertaining ...
Be sure to follow all of the links. They are very enlightening.

Greetings Ryerson.

According to this model from the Flat Earth Society, Yellowknife is damn near the center of the Universe ...

[Image: test1.jpg]


Isn't the Internet wonderful ?
