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Full Version: Mast taper jig
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Has anyone figured out an easy jig for tapering the eight staves of a birdsmouth mast for the Weekender.  I'd rather not have to reinvent the wheel if I don't have to!  Thanks.

Make two ramps from straight 2x4's or what ever is handy, that are the length of the taper. Lay your staves between these two ramps. Shim up the stave stock so the ramp tops are on plane with the taper. Clamp the bunch tightly then plane to the top of the ramps. Sometimes it's easier to have the ramps set at the taper angle, but this requires a different support system.

You can use a taper jig on a table saw, though I find this more trouble then it's worth. Other methods include a straight bit and a router with a ramp, doing one or two staves at a time.

Thanks, Paul.  I was thinking the tablesaw solution, but the 2X4 clamped to the taper is easier and probably quicker.  Thanks for the help!
