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Billy Lewis

Hello all,

I've recently stumbled onto the Weekender design and REALLY like the looks of the boat. I've built a couple of open Glen-L designs but want a boat capable of spending a night or two aboard. I've read everything I can find so far about the Weekender and I realize the boat is marketed as such but I've not come across stories of anyone actually spending the night aboard?? I'd sure like to hear about your experiences if you have.

I'd also like to see this boat "up close and personal". If anyone happens to be close to Valdosta, GA, PLEASE let yourself be known.

Thanks to all...
Welcome Billy.  You are in for a treat, there are a dozen boats within 2 or 3 hours of you in almost any direction.  The SE Fleet has events several times a year with Vacs, Wkndrs, and PCs  in attendance.  Bud, Bri, and Kieth will chime in here to help get you started.  Is Bremerton still good for Sundays?  8) 8) 8)
Here me am Billy. The South Eastern Fleet will have a messabout in the spring, I think Altona (Atlanta area)  if you can make it up there should be Vac. weekender. and P/C all in attendance  I sure you can sail on them and sleep on one if you like. Stay tuned for more info. Bud
Well heck! You're right: there isn't much talk about staying over on the Pocket Yachts. It's certainly fun, as I  can well attest. I spent nice eves both in San Diego and on the one in Hawaii (I remember sleeping on the Triad prototype too, actually!) The original prototype was living in one of the DIY swimming pool prototypes for awhile at some point (I think we needed the trailer for the Pocket Cruiser, maybe?) I never stayed on it in the pool, but several people did and preferred it to staying in the house...

There are some web pages people have posted about their cruises with Weekenders also. Ryerson Clark has a nice page up about their first overnighter:

I would be willing to bet more people will chime in with posts of their experiences also. I know Peter Stevenson has had a few great nights in San Diego also...And so has Todd Glasson who built the "other" Weekender in the Weekender Video DVD's.

Ahoy Billy I live in sumter sc and am building a vacationer, and yes if there is a messabout in the spring i will be there I am sure.
If you have any questions, just ask mate. If you want to see a partially built / almost done vacationer lemme know I am just 35 mins east of Columbia.
Check out our sailing stories and our gallery as well , try using the search tool to find things you are looking for.

Again, welcome.


Billy Lewis

Man! I've never seen a group quicker to respond and with great info. There's obviously a bit of passion for these ships.

The Weekender has me hook, line and sinker! I'm currently trying to convince the Resistance that we "need" another boat and the garage will once again become a construction zone (not for long though - right?). I think I saw a glimmer of hope tonight. Wish me continued success in this effort...

Thanks again to all...
Hey Billy!  Welcome!  Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, and please, please post photos of your progress.  We love those!
