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Tom Truesdale

Greetings to one and all

I was a member of this board a long time ago and due to life and the job had to leave it for a while. I am living in Texas near Lake Conroe and plan on building a Vacationer in the next year or two. Looking to learn all I can and add to the knowledge base where I can. Thanks for letting me back in.
You must be a pre-hack member. Welcome home Tom.
Ahoy and welcome back Tom. glad to meet you mate.

Brian Walters

Tom Truesdale

Thanks for the welcome. I was a member back a few years ago just about the time the fleets were being formed. Had saved all the tech hints and plan corrections people made/found/suggested for building the Vacationer and lost them due to a computer crash. Is there an archive somewhere that might have them, ie "the old forum"?
Thanks again
Welcome, Tom!

Glad to see you! There are/were quite a lot of Texas Builder/Skippers around. You should shoot off an email to Peter at the address and see if you can get together as you get your Vacationer in the water. There was a great-looking Vacationer down on the Gulf in TX also...

Is the TX fleet still about? I've sort of lost track...

Tom I am working on it, I am looking for the old website files. but in the meantime you can just go to the search window on your top right, and put vacationer in and there is alot of info there that may help you out out.

I have a website doccumenting the build of my vacationer,  I do have the modified deck plans on there, and alot of small things I changed along the way. If you are interested in where I am on my build, check out my website. It is  /or just click on the pirate flag on my signature.


Kay Adams

Hey Tom,

Check out my new post on the free weekender.

Kay Adams
Austin, TX