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Full Version: Now I've gone and done it!
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I ordered a set of SuperSkip plans yesterday. Paypal had them going to the wrong place so I sent off a quick email to stevproj to get them going to the right place. Peter called me this morning to report that the plans are, indeed, going to the right place and that they are currently in transit.

He also said that there are plans to rebuild the stevproj website and there will be some cool new features. Stay tuned.

I am looking forward to building another boat (built a Glen-L Rebel 25 yrs ago). But, I'm not particularly looking forward to all that sanding.... Oh, well. Now all I gotta do is straighten out the garage.
Congratulations.  I have looked longingly at the new SS plans.  I am just now finishing the Stevenson's Triad and the idea of building another boat makes me smile.  If the SS plans had been available I would have built that instead of the Triad.  I loved building my little boat.  I enjoy working with wood and have become comfortable with epoxy as both a glue and a part of the finishing process.  I enjoy sanding but have to admit there is a lot of it in building a boat.  At least 60% of the time I spent on the boat has been sanding.  I really don't mind sanding but confess that lately I have had a young fellow help with that.  I substitute teach at a local school and every summer, as the school year ends, I target 2-3 kids from the 7th and 8th grade and send notes home to their parents offering summer employment.  Just yard work and maintenence around the outside of the house for the most part.  It gives them a chance to make some cash, learn a bit about working and has worked well for me as my health has been an issue lately.

This year the kid that I hired is very impressive.  He takes direction, listens to explanations on how I want the jobs done, works unsupervised and is very safety conscious.  I usually putter around the shop, or work on the last few things on my finish the boat list, while he works.  I have him sweep out the shop and he has spent more then one of his breaks watching me work on the boat.  Because of his eagerness and attention to detail I felt he could safely hand sand or handle a palm sander.  I fitted him with a full face mask, gave him a few tips and turned him loose.  He is a lot smaller then me, has no difficulty bending and twisting and can get at places that I had great difficulty sanding.  It has worked great.  So maybe you could enlist the aid of another for some of your next boat build?  If you have a kid of your own or there's one around the neighborhood you might no have to do all the sanding.

Is it done yet? Where's the pics ? ;D

I ordered my epoxy today, cant stand it no more Smile


Plans arrived on Friday. Well, it's actually a plan booklet, there were no "plans sheets". All the info needed to build it is in the booklet, though. I will build her just as Peter designed her, except I'll not build the "motor boat" options. "Delerious" comes first, then we'll see about the others. Looked into the prices of some of the parts on the web - wow, the spars can be real pricey (carbon fiber windsurfer masts [3]). Pixures: First I need to organize the garage.
Good luck man,look forward to hearing your thoughts and seeing your progress.