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Morgan Stewart

Well, I’ve been lurking about for several weeks now, gathering information and getting to know you guys.  I figure since I finally ordered my Vacationer plans I ought to go ahead and introduce myself.
My name is Morgan Stewart and I hail from the vastly ocean-less state of Oklahoma.
I have absolutely no sailing experience what so ever.  My woodworking skills are so-so.  The barn I built several years ago is still in use, so maybe I'm not entirely incompetent.  And my First Mate is already rolling her eyes.
But I do remember the thrill and wonder of sky and sea from my brief tour in the Navy.  I miss being rocked to sleep as I listened to the hiss of the water passing by the hull next to my bunk.  I miss endless stars on moonless nights.  And I miss seeing God paint the sky with storms across the horizon and feeling the spray on my face.
And so, I’ve decided to get off my butt and try and build a vehicle that can take me where feet and wheel can never go.  From ‘nowhere’ to ‘now here’.  And maybe find a little treasure on the journey.
Prosey-ish stuff aside, I’m excited.  I don’t expect to see the plans for another couple of weeks yet, but my Cabin Boy and I have already started trying to name the thing.
He wants to call it; The Splinter
The First Mate suggested; The Unsinkable II
But, I think I shall name her;
Pause for effect…
The Black Spot!
I really need some overly-dramatic, movie-music fanfare there.
Anyway, lurk no more!  I do be among ye, me hearties
Welcome Morgan, Black Spot Eh. Kind of a black spot to pour money into, LOL. I've have my Vacationer since 2004, and have enjoy countless hours sailing her. We will offer whatever assistance we can during your build.


Morgan Stewart

Thanks Greg.  I've enjoyed the pictures of your boat.  I hope mine turns out well.  I'm sure I will have many questions for everybody.
My wife's initial reaction to this endeavour fell along the 'hole in the water that you pour money into' philosophy.  She quoted a line from a book that was popular some years ago; God's Little Instruction Book. - "Resist the temptation to buy a boat."
I, of course, pointed out I was not buying a boat, I was building one.  She gets so confused sometimes.

Anyway, I had made the assumption from some past posts that it would be a while before I received my plans.  Imagine my surprise when they arrived today!  I just ordered them three days ago!  I haven't even started cleaning out the garage yet.
Boy, those are large sheets of paper.  And man, those are really little letters printed on them.  I'll never be able to read this in the bathroom.
Welcome aboard Capt, Morgan. You'll enjoy the Vacationer, she's a fine boat and a real head turner on the water. The thing you need to do is just start building and not tell your wife whats going on. You've got a barn, you might have it halfway done before she even notices what happened. Good luck with the building and keep us posted on your progress. If you ever get out to Atlanta area we can go for a sail aboard the Whippoorwill


Morgan Stewart

Thanks Keith,
The pictures of your boat are awesome. I can't think of any reason I would be out Atlanta way anytime soon, but who knows.  God has a sense of humor and rarely lets me tell the punchline.  In the meantime, I'll just have to be jealous.
Greetings and Welcome,

So, ... when your boat is built and on the water, you will officially be ...

Captain Morgan.

Hey Tom, if your gonna post a picture of Captain Morgan you've got to do it with feeling. Here Mogan check out this picture


Morgan Stewart

Now that's a mighty happy looking pirate!
I be thankin' ya fer the welcomin' lads.
Welcome Aboard the Madness Morgan, And Another Vacationer, The vacationer is a beautiful boat, Id you have any questions Just ask away, I am building my Vacationer and it is all on my website so if you might need to know something there Just click on the pirat flag in my signature.


Morgan Stewart

Thanks for the greet Brian.
I’ve actually been lurking about your website for a while now.  I think we may share a similar sense of humor.  I hear there treatment available. Wink
In fact, I’ve been lurking on just about everybody’s website for several months.  All those pictures, as well as construction logs, have been of great help in determining just what modifications I hope to implement in The Spot.  I particularly appreciate the mistakes shared.
BTW, I like the sword.  I’ll have to post some pictures of my Musketeer-ish rapier sometime.
Now if I can only find me a good hat…
Well, that and build a boat.
Minor little details.