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Hey Guys,

Well, it has come to this. I have decided to sell my close to done weekender project. I started her years ago as one of the BYYB founding members while I was living in Iowa. But, since I moved to Boston, I have not really done too much work on her the past few years, and the sailing I have been doing is on the open ocean. So, the weekender really isn't the boat for my mission any longer. Plus, its been taking up my parent's garage in Rhode Island and they really want it back.

So, the sad time has come. She is at the stage that some additional sanding and painting needs to be done, and the mast and rigging needs to be installed. I have built the vast majority of the parts that now just need to be installed. Its certainly not a perfectly built project, but it has a whole lot of the work already done for you.

I am not looking to get rich off selling her, or even to re-coop my costs. But, I would like to see the project go to someone who can finish her up and enjoy her. I much prefer that to the sawz-all and the landfill.

I realize that pictures would be helpful. But, I have an hour's drive to where the boat is stored. So, if anyone is interested, please email me and we can discuss it.
