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Full Version: Post-Thanksgiving cruise on Allatoona
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Pack up your turkey leftovers and join Keith and I for a post-Thanksgiving cruise on Allatoona!  We will be using using Harbortown marina as a base (  There is a launchramp at Harbortown and all are invited to use the ramp and associated parking as my guests.  Allatoona lake is 15,000 acres with lots of coves for wonderful anchor spots and some beautiful scenery.  It is Army Corps lake with few houses on the shore so you can quickly feel like you are miles away from anything.

This trip is weather dependant and I would say no-go forcasted conditions are below 50 degree temperatures during the day, or 25 mph winds.  Right now the forcast is for 59 degrees but 60% chance of rain.  Hopefully this will change as the week progresses.
Thanks for the update on my voice mail yesterday Scott, that was really nice of you. I'm glad someone was enjoying the lake. I was actually talking to another sailor friend of my who lives on Lake Hartwell, he was asking me about setting a mooring out for his boat on the lake due to the lake being 22 feet down and falling. Sounds like if his property ends at the waterfront he's just doubled his acreage.
Well still no guarantees that I'll make it next weekend but I'm looking forward to it just the same. Are you still not able to get there till Saturday?

I am flying in friday evening so nope.
this cruise has been canceled due to rainy weather. I have the cure for our SE drought, all I have to do is make plans to take the boat out and it never fails to rain



well Keith, start plannin, we need about 15 feet in Lanier.
Boy's Y'all can always come up and use my water. It's only about a mi. out of Georgia and it want be a foot low when Allatoona goes dry. Bud ;D
Just hope GA doesn't get it's way and take that mile of land back from you TN boys. If we got our hands on that lake of yours they would put a pipeline in there and drain it down to nothing. I bet you would be able to hear the whirlpool swirling from your house.

Actually, Allatoona has water...well it is at normal level for the wintertime of a non-drought year.  Lanier and Hartwell, among other lakes, are the ones having the water problems and their ramps have not been built for fluctuating water levels like Allatoona, as a flood control lake for Rome, normally has. 

However, I do have to admit that a cruise starting and returning from Nickajak might be a lot of fun.  Especially if we all had boats we could sleep at on the hook so we didn't have to worry about getting anywhere in particular.
Keith I think Tn. should sale Ga. some water cheap, at least enough to fillup the lakes every so often.  Nickajack dan has let enough water through the spill gates today to fill the lakes in Ga. Did I mention we have had over 8" of rain in the last two days? Bud