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Full Version: On vote for including other boat designs
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I didn't feel comfortable casting a vote on this without joining and paying my dues, so I did. I just sent in my $40 two minutes ago, so now I can put in my two cents.

I agree with the general consensus that builders of other brands of homebuilt boat designs should be allowed membership in BYYB. If the aim is to maintain or increase membership, then including other boat designs would do two things. First, it would encourage membership by first-time builders of other designs by not making them feel disenfranchised (been watching too much election coverage). Second, it would encourage chronic builders like myself to join without fear that the assistance available here will be come redundant (which it would not anyway, but it's the perception that counts) after they're done with their first boatbuilding fix on a Stevenson's boat. The skills learned building a Stevenson's boat can easily be applied to numerous other popular designers' boats, even if it means noting novel differences. Granted, we'll probably never see anyone looking for carvel planking, lapstrake hulls, or strip planking, but WoodenBoat has them covered. But the Bolger/Instant boat, Parker Sharpie, and to some extent the stitch and glue folks could easily pick up some useful ideas here and in the process join up and participate! Big Grin
Welcome aboard Will Glad to have you as a voting member of the organization. And I do agree with your perception I think it will do good things to ensue the longevity of the BYYB.
Thank you for joining and supporting the team.

Will; try to come to Lake Hartwell the weekend of June 19 to 22 and meet the Southeastern Fleet we will have several boats that will need crew members. The big day will be Saturday the 21, fun day for all.
Will, Just ask Bill. 20 minutes with my little green saw and you're back in the figh!!! Arrrr! 8) We could fix that boat!!! :lol:
I am seriously considering repairing the Nealy Perfet. It's just a matter of how much. To patch, or to rework? Fix it so it works again, or fix it so it doesn't break again?
That's always the question. I have new design I want but want to keep the Saralee to use while I build. I keep repairing ( like a German repairs, the thousand years, and all that stuff) and my wife thinks I'm nuts. A new keel isn't a repair says she. Arrr says I, it tis, and get away from me ship! Arrrr 8) YOu fix may not need to last the thousand years but till the new design is splashed would be nice. 8)
The typical evolution of a poster on this board would follow something like this.

They found the plans some how. Liked the price, looks and simple build concept. Adhered to the plans for the most part and then stumbled headlong over station 13 or something and performed a search for Stevenson stuff on line. BYYB stands out pyramidal and they soon are posting lots of comments like; wow, thanks, man I wish I knew that before I'd sealed it in, etc. They eventually launch (a surprising percentage never do), others make a career out of it, many quite quickly, but most in a reasonable amount of time (the wife wants her car port back).

These folks hang out for a little while, but then fade into boat user, risk taker and general pirate like activities. Maybe a few will gather at some of the events, if they're close enough or their honey do list is reasonably caught up.

Then something breaks or a modifications looms and they remember BYYB, making a new post after an absence.

I think this is normal and typical of these application specific discussion forums. I'm active on several and this isn't a trend that is unique to BYYB. This board is what I consider a "focused" forum. It's range of usefulness is limited to Stevenson designs, though a few are also building others. This is one approach and a perfectly valid one. The other and what I suspect is the idea being bantered, is opening the focus to include a broader range of potential members.

I can see both sides of the discussion and will not offer my opinion, but to say the bigger the reach or the wider the net, the more likely your return will increase. I don't think the natural tendency to find help, lounge for a while with common allies, facing similar issues, then moving on will change, but with more potential, from a wider scope, options improve.
Quote:Then something breaks or a modifications looms and they remember BYYB, making a new post after an absence.
:oops: Hmmm... that sounds familiar.


I agree with you Paul. I do think those who finish their boats will then want to sail them. The BYYB for me, is about having good folk to sail with and visit. I know many home builders build more than one boat, but most will want to sail that boat for more years than they spend building it. Also, if people building a boat live in an area close enough they may jump at the chance to go to a messabout and sail on someone else's boat. That can't help but be incentive to finish and get the boat out of the garage. My wife has given up hope of ever getting a car back in my garage. Big Grin I guess I am lucky that way.

Tennessee is not that far away from Lake Hartwell. Come sail with us!!