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I have just cut out 94 little main sails and over 100 jib sails. I hope some one has started cutting all the spars that will be needed?

David Metzker

I've just started cuttin up Dulcinea,,,and I've learned the value of cutting patterns out of x wood instead of mahogany,,,hmm,,do we need any miniature mahogony spars?
While that is all too true,,tell me what ya need,,,I'll start choppin!!! I've got plenty of New Zealand pine,,,fine pine indeed!
David; Keath will have to let you know what we still need. The spars are going to be cut from bamboo skewers and I do have the lengths needed but I don't know if anyone else has started cutting out parts yet.

David Metzker

I really wish I had video of this weekend. I kinda sorta started carpentry very early in life. We had a large family, and Dad worked for Ma Bell,,,which meant you didn't work With someone, then become his Boss the next day. So a promotion meant a transfer,,,,a new house,,, and either an attic or a basement that had to be remodeled for two or three boys to live in.
Professionally, I started in 1977, with Louisiana State Parks,,,been at it ever since. with a few detours,,,The Mississippi river came calling in 1980, but 3 weeks on and two weeks off gave me plenty of time for woodworking,,,
A few years managing a Hardware Store in Baton Rouge was my time in a Toy Store, some of the greatest fun of my life.
But,,back to the video,,,the video of an overconfident, over anxious woodworker building a waterproof hatch system on a weekender. Anyone need numerous curved peices of mahogany? Some have beautifully executed miters, others have sweet half-laps,,none of which were cut the right direction, or perhaps, upside down, sideways, or maybe even inverted.
Perhaps it's time to invest in the time honored "Moaning Chair". Somehow,,,someway,,,Dulcinea and I will be at Sailstice!
The hull is delaminating, the stem is delaminating, the keel is delaminating, the stern block is delaminating, the bowsprit is delaminating, the mast is delaminating, the rudder box came in pieces, and most everything else is loose, or built with pieces of scrap lumber.
I've found Liquid Nails, dark red "Fire Caulk", "Great Stuff" spray foam insulation, and epoxy mixed so soft it could be cut with a decently sharp putty knife.
The good news is everything is "repairable",,I might have to come up with creative ways of hiding some of the original construction methods and materials though. I also need to decide what I can sail with this season, and what can wait,,,,,>sigh<
David the idea is to get there and have fun. In engineering everything is a trade off. One thing for another until you have a workable design. It doesn't have all the desired features but it works and can be affordably produced The rules for systems engineering these projects goes as follows: Measure every thing with a mircrometer, mark with chalk, cut with a precision chainsaw, pound it to fit and paint it all shut! Now go sailing and worry about the other stuff on the next boat. This one was a learning exercise. 8)

David Metzker

I needed that,,,sometimes a simple kick in the butt is more effective than anything. I got so mad at myself this weekend, that I simply ended up seeing too much! :roll:
8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I've started cutting spars. Haven't got a number right off hand. I will let you all know tomorrow. Plan on doing more.

Come to the sailstice and join the fun!!!!
David whether you bring a boat with you or not you'll have a great time at the sailstice. You'll be welcome to sail aboard with everyone there and have a chance to see the different designs. We're all looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our fleet.

Absitvely David! Come on down, It's a great time. My boat wont be there for this one either(much to my dismay) but it will still be a great time.

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