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Full Version: New to site. Soon to build a Vacationer
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Mark Hildebrandt

I have had my plans now for 9 yrs. I need to know if there is any changes that I should be aware of ?. luckaly when I recieved my plans I had them laminated so that they would not get damaged during the build. I am located in Flushing Michigan and would enjoy very much to see a vacationer or weekender in person. I am curious if this boat can be sailed in the great lakes under normal conditions. I am new to sailing and need all the advice that I can get. I dont forsee any problems with the accual building as with the high qaulity plans and video. I have alot of experiance with wood working due to my job as a contractor specializing in kitchen cabinets.looking forward to talking with all of you and maybe meeting at a sailing event.
Hi Mark,

Sorry I didn't respond earlier. This one slipped under my radar somehow. Anyway, you're not all that far from me. I think we've been in touch through email as well. I've got a modified weekender you're free to take a look at. At the moment she's upside down and stripped bare getting a new coat of paint, but she's roughly the shape of what you'll be building, only much smaller than yours. The difference doesn't seem like much until you see them side by side ... then you realize, Vacationers are huge!

I'm sure you'll have no real problems with building your Vacationer. I had far less experience with wood working when I started. I've since switched to carpentry myself and cringe when I see some of my earlier joints and cuts. Ah well, I had to start somewhere. Smile

I'm planning on having my weekender at a week long event in Pennsylvania, which runs from June 17-25. I'm arriving on the 18th. Following that, I should be sailing most weekends at Kensington Metroparks' Kent Lake throughout the summer if all goes according to plan. Any time you want to see her on the water and hitch a ride, I'm sure we can work something out.

Mark Keyser

Hey Mark,

I was browsing the forum and found your post. Doesn't seem to be much happening in the Erie Fleet. Perhaps we can change that.

I have a Weekender, started in Oct, 2000, launched May, 2003. I keep her "Up North" by Higgins Lake, but I can bring her down home to Lake Orion (and Kensington Metroparks' Kent Lake) if there is a gathering. I'm thinking of building the Vacationer as well. Have had the plans since Oct, 2000, but let myself get talked into the smaller Weekender.

Like you, I'm a woodworker first, sailor second. I think you're making the right choice with the Vacationer, which as I've heard in this forum, is not so "tender" as the Weekender. The Weekender is in my view mostly a fair waters fair weather boat (not being an experienced sailor and all). But I suspect the Vacationer has the same public apeal as the Weekender. You should get many compliments on your boat.