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Hi there,

Not sure if anyone remembers me but... here is an update on "Red's Betty".....

For the first several months, I went gangbusters on my weekender build... One day my wrists started hurting real bad and then my hands, and then the whole arms. It ended up being a serious health problem so I had to stop working on the boat for a long time.

A little over a year ago, I was feeling well again and I finished all the woodwork on the boat sometime in december 2005.

Then I spent a long time debating the marine coatings step.. After asking everyone and getting a different answer from everyone, I decided to do what my 102 granny told me to do just before she died.. Paint the boat with the best oil based marine paint I can find and get it in the water and use it till it rots. Part of the reason I decided to go with her advice is this is the way her husband George Gale did it. (He was a boat builder and artist during Fall River, MA's last gasps in the whaling industry) More than one of his small boats are still in use and he died 60 years ago. So.... plain old oil paint is the route I decide to take. But then I discovered that I HATE TO PAINT. And I'm really sensitive to the fumes. So it sat under it's cannopy waiting for me to get motivated.

Well, i've got some new motivation. I'm leaving Florida as soon as my lady's house sells. We're heading to Asheville, NC and if I'm going to take my boat, it needs to be painted. So... I shooed out the bug critters who were nesting in the boat and began painting. At this time, the entire interior of the boat is finished and painted, and the entire hull is finished and painted. I've got a red whiter and blue theme... I'll post pictures if I can find a place to upload them. With the exception of the mast, all accessories, rudders, ship's wheel, etc are finished and painted (but not installed). This weekend I'm buying a trailer (question to come) and will then finish my painting job with the top deck. I ended up using EXPENSIVE rustoleum marine paint which ends up being up to 7 coats (1 or 2 coats sealant, 2 coats primer, 2 or 3 coats paint).

Ok... so thats the update. Here is my simple question.

I'm going to buy a new small magic tilt trailer. I'll move the wood supports high enough to allow the keel to fit under them.. But should I be worried about their placement under the boat? Will it cause problems if they're not in the right location under the boat? Can anyone upload a picture or two of their weekender on a magic tilt bass boat trailer?

Hey Dave,
Good to hear from you again. I wondered what happened to you and your boat. You're right, you did go pretty fast there at the beginning. I was impressed. I think your grandmother is right. I did fiberglass my boat but I did use the Ace Hardware version of rustolium. A good oil base, hard finish paint. It still looks good and I just touch up occasionally. As far as a trailer goes I had one custom made to fit my boat. It's really low slung and close to the ground which I have found to be an advantage in some of the shallow lakes we have around here. It has a 'V' shape leading to a channel down the middle that guides it on real nice. I wish I could show you some pictures but I'm computer illiterate in that area. Anyway, good to hear from you again and look forward to seeing what she looks like.


Hi again, I found a photo to upload. This is where it's sitting right now, waiting to be righted onto the trailer i'm going to buy.

BTW, It was easy to flip this by myself... I used pool noodles to protect the bare wood from the dirt and debris on the ground and it just rolled over for me with a little grunting from me to get it past it's tipping point.

[Image: 492937245_94b1e0b094.jpg?v=0]

I hope the image shows, I don't have a personal website anymore and this is with a flikr account that i'm uploading this photo.

Well, I guess the img tag is disabled, here is a link to see the boat painted. Wow, the wood lines sure show up in a photo! way more than "in real life"
Hey HOg Dog

Yur given up fishin? What about Rabbits? You given up that too?

Maybe we should just wait till u r back on the Gulf Shores....

Does she know it is the RED HEADED BETTY, or have you changed the name? :lol: :lol: :lol:



Quote:Hey HOg Dog

Yur given up fishin? What about Rabbits? You given up that too?

Maybe we should just wait till u r back on the Gulf Shores....

Does she know it is the RED HEADED BETTY, or have you changed the name? :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hi Angie!

It's always been red's betty Smile

I'm on the Atlantic shores Smile Smile

Not giving up fishing... just giving up hurricanes and heat! The fishing has been good lately even with crazy this week.

But I did give up rabbits! She said she would give her husband up if I gave up the rabbits.... Still waiting on the divorce papers to finalize..



Quote: As far as a trailer goes I had one custom made to fit my boat. It's really low slung and close to the ground which I have found to be an advantage in some of the shallow lakes we have around here. It has a 'V' shape leading to a channel down the middle that guides it on real nice. I wish I could show you some pictures but I'm computer illiterate in that area.

Steve, When it's on the trailer... Is the bottom of your boat supported by the keel or the boat's bottom? I had intended to have the boat supported by the bottom and not the keel but I worry that this can cause problems...
Hi David, glad to here from you again. Sounds like you had a rough go of things for awhile, nice work on the paint of Red's Betty. I made my trailer up for my Vacationer, like this picture.

[Image: SVGinnyRae103.jpg]

The hull is supported on the elevated bunks, the keel track is 1/2 plywood x 2, screwed to 2x4 sides. The weight resting on the keel is slight, and the bunks take the most weight. The bunks are covered in brown outdoor turf.

Hows the old screw gun imitating parrot of your's, that was quite the tale you shared, I still giggle when I think about it.

As I recall the origin of your vessel's name, your a fellow red head, and that boat is probably alot cheaper, that paying for an ex right!! :wink:

My trailer supports the boats weight directly on the bunks. The channel has no bottom, it's open. I covered the inside of the channel with carpet scraps. I haven't noticed any problems so far. When the guy that made the trailer had us set the boat on the trailer he adjusted each bunk so that it conforms to the curve of the bottom of the boat. I'll maybe have Adla take some pictures of it tomorrow when we go sailing and she'll know how to post them so you can see what it looks like. I like your paint job by the way. Very nice.
Hi David,

Well my trailer is set up so the keel is taking most of the weight. The bunks keep her from leaning over. So far there's been no problem with anything. I think you can go either way and be alright. These boats are not so heavy that it will make a difference. My trailer was set up better for keel loading so thats what I did.



Thanks for everyones replies... I went and bought a trailer this morning. A new one was $500. SO I bought a really good used one for $200. Its a 1974 Rocket trailer. This thing must have sat in a warehouse somewhere because there is no visable wear on it at all. It's been freshly galvanized and they set it up for me with rollers and high bunkers and such. I'll take photos when i've got the boat on it and everything adjusted just right.


Paying for an EX would mean I would have to marry first.. The way I see it, why ruin a perfectly good romance by getting the government and lawyers involved in it. No marriage for me please. But YES Smile I am a redhead. I've got LONG red hair..

The screwgun parrot's name is Hoot Smile He's doing well. He's a timneh african grey and they live nearly as long as people do. Hoot is about 12 years old now. He still makes the scregun noise from time to time but it's a rarity now.. We're trying to make him say "DON'T EAT ME" like the bird in pirates of the carribbean but he's not playing along.. He only leanres what he wants to. He's become a metronome... I've taken up playing upright bass.. Orchestra music, played with a bow. I play blues on it too, but i've only got the comunity college to play with and they've got no blues group at the moment Smile Hoot is currently on my spit list... He's destroyed the blinds in his window today.
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