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A little update on the new SSkip project:
The new Super Skipjack is really light; Peter and I did a test and he and I can lift the ready-to-sail boat off the trailer with one of us at each end. (rig, lifejackets, tools, paddles, the whole bit!!) I don't have a hanging scale handy, but it has to weigh in around 250 or so WITH GEAR!

I am really looking forward to setting up some races with this boat soon. I have two or three boats lined up to build in the SF Bay Area and Monterey Bay (close enough to be the same region, really.) I may go ahead and start on a second one for a friend in my area when I get this one I'm doing now out from Texas. I hope to start driving west in about a week and a half. Perhaps I can interest Ms. Earl in making one for her personal fleet! I am very much up for trailing mine to Tahoe and over the top to NV to meet with the SW Fleet...I know I have to take it down to San Diego as Susie Stevenson has already requested some evening motoring around the yacht club there. Happily, it's easy to trail this around (particularly as I have to take it back out CA...)

By the way, Peter and I have really been fine-tuning the plans (having the prototype sitting next to this one is a real boon!) and have adjusted dimensions, come up with new methods, and we think this set of plans should be very clean and easy to follow.

Hi Mike!

Any idea when you'll have the plans ready for sale?

(Also, have you started shipping out the DVD's yet for the Weekender videos yet?)


Supposedly the new DVD's shipped from our duplicator on Thursday (at least that's what they told us...) We should have them by now, but I haven't checked with Shannon (who's handling San Francisco while I'm out here in Texas.) I suspect she'll be shipping this week.

As far as the plans for the Super Skipjack, I imiagin it'll be June before I get them ready. I still have to finish this boat when I get West to double-check the seating dimensions and tons of other little bits (rig, etc.)



Hey Mike,

I'm really keen to get started on one of these super skips up here in Victoria, BC. Looks like a great boat. I 'm wondering if there'd be any chance of seeing a preliminary materials list in advance of the plans being available? I'd like to see about starting to source the bits that I'll need.




Any updates on the SuperSkipJacks?

Mike, we're talking about a SW fleet event at Walker Lake in Nevada sometime this fall. It would be an honor to have you there with us. Adla has a lot of work to do on the other two boats in her back yard (triad and vacationer) before she starts on another one, but, who knows?
Great! I'll try and get there, hopefully with a SSkip in tow. We'll see—I haven't been able to get any work on the boat at all since I got back from TX. I now have to move stuff all over the place again, so who knows when I'll have a chance to get building again, but I will try to get work rolling again in June.

I would love to see all the great boats the SW Fleet brings in. It's been quite awhile since I've been able to sail on a Weekender, and decades for a Vacationer, Triad, or any thing else.



Wow, an updated skipjack! That sounds like just what we need plans for. I just got back from canoing in Maine with my new Venture Crew, and I think I have some of them interested in the possibility of building a small fleet of sailboats for one of our next big adventures.

The conceptual goal is 3 easy to sail boats that could take 4 teen to adult people per boat, plus a small amount of gear. We were canoe camping, and we probably had 50-100 pounds of gear in each canoe. Cutting the number of watercraft in half would leave us with 100-200 pounds of gear in each sailboat for a sailing adventure of the same length.

We would want boats that can be loaded/stacked/piled 3 to a flatbed trailer, and be easily unloaded and carried a short distance (when empty) by 4-6 people.

I will gladly buy a set of plans as soon as you have them. I would even be willing to buy a "pre-production" set of plans and we would let you know if we notice any errors. (And yes, because I know people will jump on me, I will either buy additional sets of plans before starting the second and 3rd boats or will otherwise negotiate an extended license with the Stevensons.)

Bill Martin

Any idea when the plans for the super skip jack will be in full production please and ready to be bought.
Bill Martin

Mark Pannell

Hi, another potential UK builder for a Stevenson boat here.
My plan was to build an open weekender for use here on the Norfolk Broads. Having now seen the photos of the new Super Skipjack this would seem ideal for my intended use.
We are quite exposed here right next to the North Sea, would the S/Skipjack be ok if it got a bit blowy or would it capsize without warning if caught in a strong gust?
Hope to hear some S/Skipjack news soon.
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